Difference between -| and |- in TikZ

Understand it as it looks like:

  • -| is "horizontal line → vertical line":

    \draw (0,0) coordinate (1) node[below] {$(0,0)$};
    \draw (2,2) coordinate (2) node[above] {$(2,2)$};
    \draw (1) -| (2);
    % -------------
    \draw (4,2) coordinate (x) node[above] {$(4,2)$};
    \draw (6,0) coordinate (y) node[below] {$(6,0)$};
    \draw (x) -| (y);

    enter image description here

    Mathematically, (x,y) -| (a,b) and (x,y) -- (a,y) -- (a,b) are the same.

  • |- is "vertical line → horizontal line":

    \draw (0,0) coordinate (1) node[below] {$(0,0)$};
    \draw (2,2) coordinate (2) node[above] {$(2,2)$};
    \draw (1) |- (2);
    % -------------
    \draw (4,2) coordinate (x) node[above] {$(4,2)$};
    \draw (6,0) coordinate (y) node[below] {$(6,0)$};
    \draw (x) |- (y);

    enter image description here

    Mathematically, (x,y) |- (a,b) and (x,y) -- (x,b) -- (a,b) are the same.

They are clearly very different.

I'd like to add to JouleV's answer another use of -| and |-.

Given two nodes, A and B:

  • if you use (A |- B) you have a point with the x coordinate of A and the y coordinate of B
  • if you use (A -| B) you have a point with the x coordinate of B and the y coordinate of A.


\node[draw] (A) {A};
\node[draw, above right =4cm of A] (B) {B};
\node[draw] at (A |- B) {$x$ of A, $y$ of B};
\node[draw] at (A -| B) {$x$ of B, $y$ of A};

enter image description here

PSTricks version for @CarLaTeX's explanation:

  • (A|-B) (TikZ) = (A|B) (PSTricks)
  • (A-|B) (TikZ) = (B|A) (PSTricks)


Tikz Pgf