difference between const , let and var in js code example
Example 1: var vs let vs const
- hoisted (always declared at top of scope, global if none)
- function scope
- block scope
- not redeclarable
- block scope
- not reassignable
- not redeclarable
Note: Although it may seem like these hold only semantic meaning, using the
appropriate keywords helps the JS engines' compiler to decide on what to optimize.
Example 2: Difference between let and var in javascript
let a = 'hello'; // globally scoped
var b = 'world'; // globally scoped
console.log(window.a); // undefined
console.log(window.b); // 'world'
var a = 'hello';
var a = 'world'; // No problem, 'hello' is replaced.
let b = 'hello';
let b = 'world'; // SyntaxError: Identifier 'b' has already been declared