Difference between hex colour, RGB, & RGBA and when should each they be used?
There's no differences between a RGB and hex color.
hex to decimal :
FF = 255
=> #FFFFFF = rgb(255,255,255)
When you break down the hexa color :
red green blue
But with rgba (alpha) you can add a alpha variable it add an opacity to your color.
You can use RGB and HEX it depends of your preferences
Examples :
div {
border:solid 1px black;
background-color:rgb(124,220,50); /* to hexa = 7C, DC, 32 */
background-color:rgba(124,220,50,0.2); /* opacity = 20% */
<div class="rgb">rgb</div>
<div class="hexa">hexa</div>
<div class="rgba">rgba</div>
The Difference between RGB and RGBA is simple to say, "there is no difference" EXCEPT the "A" -> Alpha
RGB (Red Green Blue) RGBA (Red Green Blue Alpha)
You use the alpha parameter when you want the color to get transparent. (Values between 0.0 - 1.0)
And the main difference between RGB / RGBA and HEX is that HEX uses a mix of 6 characters and numbers. (Hexadecimal) And RGB uses 3 sets of 3 numbers, which have a range of 0-255.
There's no more difference and it's up to you what you want to use.