Difference between Kernel#yield_self, yield(self) and Object#tap in ruby

The difference between tap and yield_self is in what is returned by each of the two methods.

Object#tap yields self to the block and then returns self. Kernel#yield_self yields self to the block and then returns the result of the block.

Here are some examples of where each can be useful:


Replacing the need for a result line at the end of a method:

def my_method
  result = get_some_result
  call_some_method_with result

can be written as:

def my_method
  get_some_result.tap do |result|
    call_some_method_with result

Another example is initialisation of some object that takes several steps:

some_object = SomeClass.new.tap do |obj|
  obj.field1 = some_value
  obj.field2 = other_value

yield_self and yield(self)

If used inside one of your own methods yield_self would have the same effect as yield(self). However, by having it as a method in its own right this promotes method chaining as an alternative to nested function calls.

This blog post by Michał Łomnicki has some helpful examples. e.g. this code:

CSV.parse(File.read(File.expand_path("data.csv"), __dir__))
   .map { |row| row[1].to_i }

can be rewritten as:

  .yield_self { |name| File.expand_path(name, __dir__) }
  .yield_self { |path| File.read(path) }
  .yield_self { |body| CSV.parse(body) }
  .map        { |row|  row[1].to_i }

This can aid with clarity where nested calls are being used for a series of transformations on some data. Similar features exist in other programming languages. The pipe operator in Elixir is a good one to take a look at,

Great summary of this here: Ruby 2.5 added yield_self.

Quick update: yield_self will have an alias then in new versions of Ruby, following requests from the community for this to be more readable.

It's a very good, concise read, quoted below for posterity. All credit to the original author, Vijay Kumar Agrawal:

Ruby 2.5 added a new method named yield_self. It yields the receiver to the given block and returns output of the last statement in the block.

irb> "Hello".yield_self { |str| str + " World" }
  => "Hello World"

How is it different from try in Rails ?

Without a method argument try behaves similar to yield_self. It would yield to the given block unless the receiver is nil and returns the output of the last statement in the block.

irb> "Hello".try { |str| str + " World" }
  => "Hello World"

Couple of differences to note are, try is not part of Ruby but Rails. Also try’s main purpose is protection against nil hence it doesn’t execute the block if receiver is nil.

irb> nil.yield_self { |obj| "Hello World" }
  => "Hello World"

irb> nil.try { |obj| "Hello World" }
  => nil

What about tap?

tap also is similar to yield_self. It’s part of Ruby itself. The only difference is the value that is returned. tap returns the receiver itself while yield_self returns the output of the block.

irb> "Hello".yield_self { |str| str + " World" }
  => "Hello World"

irb> "Hello".tap { |str| str + " World" }
  => "Hello"

Overall, yield_self improves readability of the code by promoting chaining over nested function calls. Here is an example of both the styles.

irb> add_greeting = -> (str) { "HELLO " + str }
irb> to_upper = -> (str) { str.upcase }

# with new `yield_self`
irb> "world".yield_self(&to_upper)

# nested function calls
irb> add_greeting.call(to_upper.call("world"))

yield_self is part of Kernel and hence it’s available to all the objects.

Please don't accept this as the answer, as it's not my own handiwork (and I'm happy to delete if anyone has any objections) - but I found this a very good read and thought it might help others at some point.

I would like to add to mikej's answer on parallelism between each vs. map and tap vs. yield_self.

There are many question asking the difference between each and map for enumerables. The former is used for doing something with a side effect or something destructive, and then returning the receiver, which is handy for chaining methods. The latter returns the evaluated value in place of each element in the receiver.

tap vs. yield_self is just like this; the difference is that they are done for a single receiver object instead of elements within an enumerable receiver. So their use case would parallel what I wrote above. The former is used for doing something with a side effect or something destructive, and then returning the receiver, which is handy for chaining methods. The latter returns the evaluated value instead of the receiver.