Difference between readAsDataURL() and readAsArrayBuffer() and readAsText() in JavaScript FileReader

  • .readAsDataURL() return a URL representing the file's data as a base64 encoded string

  • .readAsArrayBuffer() return an ArrayBuffer representing the file's data

  • .readAsText() return the file's data as a text string.

For more info check this FileReader doc.

readAsDataURL() will return a string that can be pasted into the url attribute of an HTML tag (e.g.: src= in an img). For an img tag, that will effectively display the image just like if src was an address to the file that was read. It is a transformation (bigger) of the original file content.

readAsText() will return a string of characters that can be parsed by JavaScript functions or displayed in textarea and likely to be understood by the user. This is usually useful for reading text files.

I think if you want to have a file upload functionality and then show the user a preview of the file they they chose from their PC and about to upload, then use .readAsDataURL().

If you want to manipulate a text file, use .readAsText()

If you want to manipulate something like an image (convert a jpeg to PNG for example) then use .readAsArrayBuffer().

There is a fourth method, .readAsBinaryString, but the Mozilla documentation suggests using .readAsArrayBuffer() instead.