Difference between $(this) and this in jquery

$(this) is the current object that was selected using a jQuery selector or event attached to the object.

so if you have $('#myelement').click(..... then $(this) referes to the element that was clicked on so that $(this).hide() hides that element.

$(this) - represent current DOM element on which event this function is called

The this keyword - In JavaScript this always refers to the “owner” of the function we're executing, or rather, to the object that a function is a method of.

this is the DOM object, whereas $(this) is the jQuery wrapper around same.

When using this, you can call DOM methods on it, but not jQuery methods. When using $(this), you can call jQuery methods on it, but not DOM methods.

In jQuery, this refers to the DOM object, and $(this) refers to the same object but with jQuery methods added

you can't call this.each() because each is not a DOM method, its a jquery method

you can call $(this).each() because $(this) returns a jquery object


