Different dimensions with shift and xshift

In TikZ always the default unit for length values is pt. And we have


So the default unit for xshift is pt.

In (1,0) you can think of cm as default unit but there is no default unit. Simply (1,0) is 1.x+0.y so it depends on the value of the x vector, which is initially set to (1cm,0).

Some thoughts:

  • You're not doing anything incorrect.
  • Is it a bug? It is not a bug in the sense that the program crashes or that the result deviates from what one may expect from the manual. So my take it is not a bug.
  • The default unit for coordinates is cm, so at (1,0) and at (1cm,0) are equivalent. That's why the shift={(5,0)} and shift={(5cm,0)} can be used interchangedly.
  • Is this not the only situation where cm is the unit. Another situation in which the default unit is cm is a cricle, so \draw (0,0) circle(1); gives you a circle of radius 1cm, similarly for arcs.
  • But for "most" other situations the default unit is pt.

An example that ilustrate @Kpym's nice answer.


\draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (5,3) ;
  \node (a) at (0,3) {a};
  \node (b) at (0,2) {b};
  \node (c) at (0,1) {c};
  \node (d) at (0,0) {d};
  \begin{scope}[x={(2,1)}] % change the vector x 
  \node[xshift=2cm] at (a) {aa}; % 2cm to the right
  \node[shift={(2cm,0)}] at (b) {bb}; % 2cm to the right and 0pt to the top
  \node[xshift=2] at (c) {cc}; % 2pt to the right
  \node[shift={(2,0)}] at (d) {dd}; % 2x+0y
  \draw[blue] circle[radius=0.5]; % 0.5 is interpreted as xradius =0.5x and yradius =0.5 y
  \draw[red] circle[radius=0.5cm]; % .0.5cm is interpreted as xradius=yradius=0.5cm



enter image description here


Tikz Pgf