Chemistry - Dipole moments of pyrrole and furan
Solution 1:
Both pyrrole and furan have a lone pair of electrons in a p-orbital, this lone pair is extensively delocalized into the conjugated pi framework to create an aromatic 6 pi electron system.
Where pyrrole and furan significantly differ is that,
- in pyrrole there is an $\ce{N-H}$ bond lying in the plane of the ring and directed away from the ring
- whereas in furan, there is a full lone pair of electrons in roughly the same position.
The localized lone pair of electrons pointing away from the ring has a very significant effect on the dipole vector and is enough to cause the observed reversal in dipole moment direction between furan and pyrrole.
Solution 2:
It is due to more than just the presence of the lone pair on the oxygen. The oxygen is more electronegative than nitrogen therefore although both furan and pyrrole have the inductive effect of electron withdrawing, this effect is greater in furan because of the greater electronegativity.
So the dipole moment of furan faces towards the oxygen, a result of greater inductive effects than resonance effects. Whilst the dipole moment of pyrrole faces away from the nitrogen as a result of greater resonance effects