Disable "Auto remove aux files" dialog in TeXworks

From my comment to a proper answer. :)

The root of all evil relies on a hook named logParser.js inside <USERHOME>/.TeXworks/scripts/Hooks. If you are not sure where to find this path, TeXworks has a shortcut for it:

Quack 1

Namely, Scripts ▶ Scripting TeXworks ▶ Show Scripts Folder. Then you can access a folder named Hooks in there. Pretty easy, isn't it? :)

The file to blame is logParser.js,

Quack 2

which is a JavaScript code. We have two ways of dealing with it. Either by disabling the whole execution of this log parser via:

Quack 3

(Scripts ▶ Scripting TeXworks ▶ Manage Scripts)

And then unchecking the item Errors, warnings, badboxes under the Hook Scripts tab.

Quack 4

Or we can edit logParser.js directly. The function that deals with warning about auxiliary files is around line 373:

LogParser.prototype.WarnAuxFiles = function()
  for (var i = this.Results.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
    if (this.Results[i].Description.indexOf("File ended while scanning use of") > -1) {
      if (TW.question(null, "", "While typesetting, a corrupt .aux " +
        "file from a previous run was detected. You should remove " +
        "it and rerun the typesetting process. Do you want to display" +
        "the \"Remove Aux Files...\" dialog now?", 0x14000) == 0x4000)

Although I could add a return statement right after the function body opening block, I'd favour commenting the offending parts. :) So:

LogParser.prototype.WarnAuxFiles = function()
No more! (Dr. Who, The Day Of The Doctor)

                       /   a\__,
                       \  -.___/
                        \  \
                   (\____)  \
               |\_(         ))
          _____|   (_        /________

  ooh a duck! :)

  for (var i = this.Results.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
    if (this.Results[i].Description.indexOf("File ended while scanning use of") > -1) {
      if (TW.question(null, "", "While typesetting, a corrupt .aux " +
        "file from a previous run was detected. You should remove " +
        "it and rerun the typesetting process. Do you want to display" +
        "the \"Remove Aux Files...\" dialog now?", 0x14000) == 0x4000)

And we are done. :)