Disable click and drag cut and paste in IntelliJ Idea IDE

I found it in SettingsEditorGeneral.

Under the Mouse heading. The option is called "Enable Drag'n'Drop functionality in editor".

This also seems to disable drag and drop moving of files though.

There is no way to disable Drag-n-drop highlighted text in the editor itself!!! ALT guard for drag-n-drop files is a good idea as I accidentally drag and drop files on daily basis. Kudos for discovering that I just enabled it.

I have contacted Intellij support to give us a setting that we can disable in editor drag and drop. I think that is a stupid feature in the first place...

In WebStorm 2020.1 (and presumably in other Jetbrains IDEs), the related option 'Move code fragments with drag-and-drop' is in Preferences > Editor > General:

enter image description here

Unchecking the checkbox does the trick without unwanted side effects such as also disabling the drag-and-drop operations for files etc.