Disable Cloud Functions for Firebase through Firebase dashboard (or cli)

Dont want to delete the function as I want to keep the usage history, logs, health ect? This work around,long winded, but does the trick:

Disable function:

  • comment out the code in then function in your index.js
  • deploy just the firebase function:

firebase deploy --only functions:functionName

Enable function:

  • uncomment code
  • redeploy just the function with above line

Unfortunately Firebase has only a delete option and no disable option :(

A thing that I'm doing which isn't particularly neat but does the job. is just add a node in the database. for me I have a weekly script I run where I don't want my cloud functions to run when that's running. so at the top of my function I read that node and if the script is running, I just return early. not ideal but saves me having to comment out and redeploy every time

If you view Cloud Functions in the Cloud Console, you can delete them individually from there: https://console.cloud.google.com/functions