Disable Highlight Matched Parentheses in ViM : "let loaded_matchparen = 1" not working

let g:loaded_matchparen=1

worked for me!

It sets a flag that tells code under /vim/vim81/plugin/matchparen.vim to not assert itself.

As none of the above answers worked for me (OSX Sierra), I will provide what I think should work in any (of the usual?) configuration of vim.

As the OP, in OSX vim relies on the plugin MatchParen for highlighting the matching parentheses. Thus, :set noshowmatch will not work. However, :NoMatchParen works.

The question is now to configure our ~/.vimrc so that this plugin is disabled by default when opening a file.

As it's common to import our ~/.vimrc from old system to any new accounts, and in the new system highlighting might be toggled by show match, the following will address the issue automatically in both instances:

In your ~/.vimrc add the following lines:

" Disable parentheses matching depends on system. This way we should address all cases (?)
set noshowmatch
" NoMatchParen " This doesnt work as it belongs to a plugin, which is only loaded _after_ all files are.
" Trying disable MatchParen after loading all plugins
function! g:FckThatMatchParen ()
    if exists(":NoMatchParen")

augroup plugin_initialize
    autocmd VimEnter * call FckThatMatchParen()
augroup END

Note: the END in the last augroup line is important. Without it you get a pesky notification when calling vim before your file gets open:

$ vi my file.txt  
Press ENTER or type command to continue

Check your vimrc for showmatch or sm.

:set noshowmatch or :set nosm disables the brief jumping.


