Apple - Disable Services in OSX (services.msc)

The OS X equivalent of Windows services is Launchd. The OS X equivalent of services.msc on Windows is launchctl. The daemons managed by launchd can be on demand or can be triggered periodically (this is configurable in launchd.plist)

You can manage the daemons from the command line (from under /Applications/Utilities/) or by using a tool like Lingon.

From the command line:

  • List agents/jobs loaded using

    launchctl list
  • Disable and enable an agent using (persists between boots)

    launchctl enable <name> or launchctl disable <name>
  • Stop and start an agent immediately using

    launchctl kickstart <name> or launchctl kill <name>

The next commands are deprecated commands, which you might see on the Internet:

  • Remove an agent/job using

    launchctl remove <name>
  • Disable an agent/job for the currently booted session alone using

    launchctl unload <name>
  • Load an agent/job manually using

    launchctl load <name>

Additional references:

  • Daemons and Services Programming Guide
  • man launchctl in (or the online manual for launchctl)
  • man launchd in (or the online manual for launchd)
  • man launchd.plist in (or the online manual for launchd.plist)
  • launchd on Wikipedia

note that for the MacOS 10.13, you need to use launchctl disable system/ this will stop the process, but would keep the definition in the system folder.