Disable SQL detection in JetBrains PyCharm

I am using PhpStorm and I have managed to stop it complaining by right-clicking the error square in the top right then ...

Right click Square > Customize highlighting level > Configure Inspections >

Scroll down to Sql and expand the tree

Uncheck "No Data Sources congirued"

Although you may consider this drastic its the only way, JetBains IDEs are professional tools which have been in development a while, because of the many different requirements of its users it has many options and features.

The settings menu is very clever, you can click

File > Settings > {Then start typing in search : SQL }

Then you can already see the SQL Inspection options including the ones that you want to disable.

When you get used to your IDE of choice, you will be fine

To turn off SQL injections go to Settings | Editor | Language injections and turn off anything related to SQL.

enter image description here