Disable Windows 7's "Open File - Security Warning" dialog for exe on network drive?

Ok, I found the solution.

  • Go to Control Panel -> Internet Options -> Security -> Local Intranet -> Sites -> Advanced
  • Add the mapped drive or UNC path (eg. Z:\ or \\machine)

If your Internet Settings are tied down (as mine are), but you have access to the exe, you can try the following in a command prompt:

move oldName.exe > newName
type newName > oldName.exe

That will remove the stuff that causes Windows to care, which, I think, is stored in an alternate data stream.

The top answer didn't work for me I had to change a different setting in the same panel.

What I changed was: From Go to Control Panel -> Internet Options -> Security -> Local Intranet -> Sites -> Advanced (Same as above) In the "Local Intranet" settings window I unchecked "automatically detect intranet" and checked "include all network paths" which will work for me in my virtual environment.

Local Intranet settings