Disable zsh autocorrect entirely
In your .zshrc
#disable auto correct
unsetopt correct_all
From the manpage of zsh (zshoptions):
Try to correct the spelling of commands. Note that, when the HASH_LIST_ALL option is not set or when some directories in the path are not
readable, this may falsely report spelling errors the first time some commands are used.
Try to correct the spelling of all arguments in a line.
So the correct option will correct ONLY the commands not the arguments on the line.
The corect_all option will correct commands AND all the arguments on the line.
Ahhhh!!... I see that I was supposed to use 'unsetopt correct' instead of correct_all
collin@mandalay ~
% unsetopt correct
collin@mandalay ~
% lear
zsh: command not found: lear