Disallowed Host at Django
literally as the error suggested! go ahead and add the line
in your settings.py
The error info is quite explicit. It should solve the problem right away.
1- run
ifconfig check you ip address, and you should add the ip to this lone: ALLOWED_HOSTS =['you IP address goes here']
2- run:
python manage.py your-ip:8000
3- go to your browser and check you ip:8000
I too had problems with this and it is not easy for a beginner to fix. Here below is the sequence required:
First find your settings.py file, which is located:
You can also find it using: find -name "settings.py" - likely you will have only one!
Once you have found this, you need to open it in a text editor and change the line
ALLOWED_HOSTS =[ ] to ALLOWED_HOSTS =['your.host.ip.address'] - include the ' ' and the [ ] then save. You will have to re-start the server to get this to work eg:
python manage.py runserver your.host.ip.address:8000
If you get a syntax error, make sure you have something that looks like:
or whatever your ip address is.