discord.js bot makes role code example

Example 1: how to give roles discord.js

let role = message.guild.roles.find(r => r.name === "Role Name");

// Let's pretend you mentioned the user you want to add a role to (!addrole @user Role Name):
let member = message.mentions.members.first();

// or the person who made started the command: let member = message.member;

//adds the role

Example 2: discord.js v12 how to set owner commands

// First we use guild.members.fetch to make sure all members are cached
<message>.guild.members.fetch().then(fetchedMembers => {
	const totalOnline = fetchedMembers.filter(member => member.presence.status === 'online');
	// We now have a collection with all online member objects in the totalOnline variable
	<message>.channel.send(`There are currently ${totalOnline.size} members online in this guild!`);