discord.js send message to specific channel code example

Example 1: send a message to a specific channel discord.js

client.channels.get("<ID of the channel you want to send to>").send("<your message content here>")

Example 2: discord.js send message to specific channel

channel = client.channels.cache.get('757685515255545917');

Example 3: how to send a message discord.js

message.reply("message here");
message.channel.send("message here");

Example 4: discord.js send message to specific channel

client.channels.cache.get("channel ID").send("hello world");

Example 5: discord.js send message to specific channel

client.channels.get("<ID of the channel you want to send to>").send("<your message content here>")

Example 6: discord.js send message to specific channel

client.channels.get("<ID of the channel you want to send to>").send("<your message content here>")
