DiscretizeGraphics issues with transformations

Here are a four possibilities. Two of them are due to @JM's comments. (Thanks!) All of them are based on the fact that Rectangle[] can be used as a geometric region as well as a graphics primitive, and they all use TransformedRegion to get the rotation rather than GeometricTransformation, RotationTransform or Rotate.

Define the rotated rectangle as a region:

reg = TransformedRegion[Rectangle[], RotationTransform[π/6]]

(* Parallelogram[{0, 0}, {{-(1/2), Sqrt[3]/2}, {Sqrt[3]/2, 1/2}}] *)

Then we can do

 Through[{DiscretizeRegion, DiscretizeGraphics, 
          BoundaryDiscretizeRegion, BoundaryDiscretizeGraphics}@reg]

enter image description here

For the time being a workaround is using first DiscretizeGraphics and then transforming the region e.g.

Rectangle[] // DiscretizeGraphics //TransformedRegion[#, RotationTransform[30°]]&