Dispatch function in React-Redux

Your addTodo component has access to the store's state and methods(e.g, dispatch, getState, etc). So, when you hooked up your React view with the Redux store via the connect method, you had access to store's state and methods.

({ dispatch }) is simply using JS destructuring assignment to extract dispatch from this.props object.

react-redux is the library that is passing these methods to your component as props.

dispatch() is the method used to dispatch actions and trigger state changes to the store. react-redux is simply trying to give you convenient access to it.

Note, however, that dispatch is not available on props if you do pass in actions to your connect function. In other words, in the code below, since I'm passing someAction to connect, dispatch() is no longer available on props.

The benefit to this approach, however, is that you now have the "connected" action available on your props that will automatically be dispatched for you when you invoke it.

import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { someAction } from '../myActions';

const MyComponent = (props) => {
  // someAction is automatically dispatched for you
  // there is no need to call dispatch(props.someAction());

export default connect(null, { someAction })(MyComponent);

Or if we were to use object destructuring as shown in the example you give...

const MyComponent = ({ someAction }) => {

It's important to note, however, that you must invoke the connected action available on props. If you tried to invoke someAction(), you'd be invoking the raw, imported action — not the connected action available on props. The example given below will NOT update the store.

const MyComponent = (props) => {
  // we never destructured someAction off of props
  // and we're not invoking props.someAction
  // that means we're invoking the raw action that was originally imported
  // this raw action is not connected, and won't be automatically dispatched

This is a common bug that people run into all the time while using react-redux. Following eslint's no-shadow rule can help you avoid this pitfall.