Display "Happy Easter!"

Bubblegum, 130 bytes

0000000: 758f b579 0530 18c4 7a4f a1d2 7fe5 8102  u..y.0..zO......
0000010: 5ae4 760f 5de8 91ee b3cc 8400 f523 2c3c  Z.v.]........#,<
0000020: 4656 0850 3f60 5b86 5fe4 8290 15a2 84a0  FV.P?`[._.......
0000030: 5a61 4d0b b64f 2b35 c476 eb1e 844e c841  ZaM..O+5.v...N.A
0000040: 08c8 731d 1a02 ead0 1547 1d70 beba 9fd6  ..s......G.p....
0000050: 31bf 5fdb 6c72 1d7b 1051 ed8a a884 7c76  1._.lr.{.Q....|v
0000060: 0fa7 db91 1503 c43c 9b18 124f cdb3 4220  .......<...O..B 
0000070: 9631 716b a71c 3bd6 ed8b 0b62 7ebd 55cf  .1qk..;....b~.U.
0000080: 7a07                                     z.

Try it online.

Compressed using zopfli --deflate --i10000.

JavaScript (ES6), 377 373 360 359 345 bytes

Thanks to @Neil for a one byte savings, and to @edc65 for another 14!

Figured I'd give it a shot. Compresses common repeating patterns in the text.

_____ (5 underscores) is stored as _5

      (5 spaces) is stored as  5

 | | | | | (5 of the  | pattern) is stored as ~5

console.log(` _ 5_ 28_7 27_
|~ 2~2 26(_7) 10_ 13~2
|~_2~2 _4 _4 2_4 2_ 3_ 4_5 3_4 2_3|~_ 2_4 2_4|~
| 2_2)|~/ _ ~ 2_ \\| 2_ \\|~3 ~ 2_3) / _ ~/_3) 2_)/ _ 2)/ _3)_|
|~ 2~ ( (~9_|~ ~2_4( (~2_3~2_( (/ /|~ 4_
|_| 2~_|\\_|2_|~|_/|~|_/ \\_2 ~ ~_7)_|2_(_3/ \\_3)_4)_| 2~_|
 13~_| 2~_| 3(_4/`.replace(/(.)(\d+)/g,(_,a,b)=>a.repeat(b)).replace(/~/g,' |'))

BinaryFuck, 565 378 bytes

This basically stores the characters used in the array, then navigates through the array, printing them accordingly. Currently quite long, will shorten it up.


Here is the ungolfed code:


EDIT: by rearranging the order of the characters in the cells, I saved 186 bytes!