Display name of the current file in vim?

ctrl+g will do it.

Also, I like to have:

set statusline="%f%m%r%h%w [%Y] [0x%02.2B]%< %F%=%4v,%4l %3p%% of %L"

Which produces:

foo.c [C] [0x23]<code/foo.c   1,   1   2% of 50

Also, as someone mentioned (but now deleted) % will be replaced with the current filename. For example:

:!echo "current file: %"
current file: foo.c
Press ENTER or type command to continue

:f (:file) will do same as <C-G>. :f! will give a untruncated version, if applicable.

set the status line. more info with :help statusline

These commands can go in your .vimrc file, or you can enter them as commands while in vim by typing ':' in command mode.

First, set last status to 2 using the following:

set laststatus=2

Then set status line to %f for short file name.

set statusline=%f

For the full path to the file, use %F.


