Displaying a later value of a counter
You need to use the \label
First of all you don't need to reset manually your counter, it suffices to bind it to chapter
Next I'd use the refcount
package and issue a \label
just before doing \chapter
together with \refstepcounter{mycounter}
(this will give an "off by one" which is easily corrected):
(The value of \texttt{mycounter} at the end of this chapter will be
Of course, the first compilation won't give the actual number as usual for the \label
The solution by egreg is useful because it calls \refstepcounter
, which might be needed for things other than printing a counter's state/number. But here is a solution that needs no refcount package and no \refstepcounter
, thereby being cheaper. It requires a command, but not a label, per each chapter. I have used Bruno Le Floch's example text from here.
\textcolor{red}{The value of \texttt{mycounter} at
the end of this chapter is \@nameuse{mycounter\thechapter}.}\medskip
% All the following is just an example text.
\setbox\z@\vbox to\vsize{\sos@figures}%
{\vbox to\sos@top{}\moveright\sos@right\box\z@}%
\newcommand*\lipsumnopar[2][1]{{\def\lips@par{ }\lipsum[#1-#2]}}
\title{Hello world}
\author{Bruno Le Floch}
\noindent{\bf\texttt{mycounter} is called 3 times in this chapter.}\medskip
Abc def & ghijk lmno pq \\
\lipsum[1] & \lipsum[2] \\
\captionof{table}{\label{tab:atable}A table}
\captionof{figure}{A figure}
\addfig{\rule{1cm}{3cm}\captionof{figure}{Another figure}}
\addfig{\rule{8cm}{3cm}\captionof{figure}{A figure}}
\addfig{\rule{1cm}{3cm}\captionof{figure}{Another figure}}
\noindent{\bf\texttt{mycounter} is called 2 times in this chapter.}\medskip
\addfig{\rule{8cm}{3cm}\captionof{figure}{That should be figure 5.}}
\addfig{\rule{1cm}{3cm}\captionof{figure}{Perhaps the sixth}}
\addfig{\rule{8cm}{3cm}\captionof{figure}{Yet another one}}
\addfig{\rule{1cm}{3cm}\captionof{figure}{One last figure for now.}}
\newchapter{Back to normal}
\noindent{\bf\texttt{mycounter} is called 3 times in this chapter.}\medskip
\addfig{\rule{8cm}{3cm}\captionof{figure}{That figure won't be lost.}}
\addfig{\rule{4cm}{5cm}\captionof{figure}{Nor will that one.}}
See Table~\ref{tab:atable}.
\newchapter{Figures, again}
\noindent{\bf\texttt{mycounter} is called 1 time in this chapter.}\medskip
\addfig{\rule{5cm}{2cm}\captionof{table}{Let's pretend it's a table}}
\addfig{\rule{5cm}{2cm}\captionof{table}{Let's pretend it's a table}}
\addfig{\rule{4cm}{1cm}\captionof{table}{Last table}}
Here is my attempt to generalize the solution. More testing is required.
{\detokenize{#2}}=0first\else second\fi oftwo}%
\expandafter\newcommand\csname new#1\endcsname[1]{%
\textcolor{red}{The value of \texttt{#2} at
the end of this #1 is \@nameuse{\appchap{#1}#2@\headingnr{#1}}.}\medskip