Displaying Lakhs and Crores in Google Sheets
This works in Google Sheets for sure. Should work in Excel too.
With the appropriate cells selected, navigate to:
Google Sheets : Format -> Number -> More Formats -> Custom Number Format
Excel : Format -> Cells -> Custom -> [Custom text box]
Enter one of the following and Apply:
A] For Lakhs and Crores with the Rupee symbol and decimals
B] For Lakhs and Crores with the Rupee symbol and without decimals
C] For Lakhs and Crores without the Rupee symbol and with decimals
D] For Lakhs and Crores without both the Rupee symbol and decimals
Edit: I've tested these on both Google Sheets and Excel. Negative numbers work as well.
Indian currency format displays numbers like below
1 - One Rupee
10 - Ten Rupee
100 - One Hundred Rupee
1,000 - One Thousand Rupee
10,000 - Ten Thousand Rupee
1,00,000 - One Lac Rupee
10,00,000 - Ten Lac Rupee
1,00,00,000 - One Crore Rupee
So below formats seems to be correct.
To show positive and negative INR/Rs. up to Lakh
To add support for positive lakhs and crores
Add support for negative lakhs and crores
For Microsoft excel, add the above format at
Format -> Cells -> Custom -> [Custom text box]
Below screenshot demonstrates above custom format in use:
Reference: https://www.raghunayak.com/2020/07/how-to-show-inrrs-in-lakh-crore-format.html