Displaying SVG files in Android

I would suggest using #1. Don't write your own parser. It's just going to be a huge headache.

How detailed does your floor plan have to be? android-svg supports SVG fairly well. It just doesn't have great support for filters or light sources. Your SVG isn't going to have those in them (I hope).

If you don't want to do that, look into quad trees. You can render out a huge image and break that down into a quadtree like format then only load the quads you require.

I have authored an SVG libaray for android the website is http://www.vectoroid.com

the main thing missing is SVG arc support this is currently fixed and will be in a release in the near future.

I am looking for feedback on it, as i have been working on it for about a year. So if you have any please do tell ...

I've using yet another SVG for Android; seems it is relatively new.

GPLv3, CSS2 support, fonts, texts and spans, linear and radial gradients, SVG and SVGZ, initial filtering support, images from assets, from web and inline base64-encoded images. Fastest from all I've tried.

Of course filters support might be better, but except this it works well and even displays 20-megabytes SVG files.

Successfully tested these 2 libraries:

https://github.com/BigBadaboom/androidsvg - Apache License 2.0

https://scand.com/products/svgkit-android/ - needed tweaking to compile with modern SDK (suppress warnings, update gradle file); LGPL / commercial

androidsvg looks better so far.