Distinct Sieves

MATL, 7 6 4 bytes

1 byte saved thanks to @Luis
2 bytes saved thanks to @Dennis


We define 1 to be truthy and all other values as falsey

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    % Implicitly grab input array
&=  % 2D array of equality comparisons
R   % Get the upper triangular portion
s   % Sum down the columns
    % Implicitly display the result

Jelly, 4 bytes


Favors last occurrences. Try it online! or verify all test cases.

How it works

ĠṪ€Ṭ  Main link. Argument: A (array)

Ġ     Group; paritition the indices of A according to their corresponding values.
 Ṫ€   Tail each; select the last index of each group.
   Ṭ  Untruth; generate a Boolean array with 1's at the specified indices.

Python 3, 47 35 39 36 bytes

lambda n:[n.pop(0)in n for x in n*1]

Pops the first item from the list, checks if it exists elsewhere in the list, and inserts True or False into a new list.

For this function, False indicates a distinct value, and True is otherwise (True=0 and False=1)

Thanks to Dennis for a ton of bytes

Original, 47 bytes:

lambda n:[(1,0)[n.pop()in n]for x in[1]*len(n)]

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