Distinguish between mouse doubleclick and mouse click in wpf

It seems you just add the MouseDoubleClick= attribute. Check these links out:

  • WPF Tutorial - Getting the DoubleClick Event
  • MouseDoubleClick MSDN Documentation
  • Detect mouse double click in WPF - Channel9

Sorry if I misunderstood your question.

Handling the double click event for controls that present the MouseDoubleClick event is no trick. Handling double click for other controls involves inspecting the ClickCount property of the MouseButtonEventArgs.

So, for instance, your XAML might look something like this:

<SomeControl  MouseDown="MyMouseDownHandler">

... and your code behind like this:

private void MyMouseDownHandler(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    if (e.ClickCount == 2)
        // Handle double-click

Here's a page that provides a somewhat more detailed example.