"Dividers" with TikZ
Like this?
I in above image consider your (rather simple) image:
\usepackage[showframe,% only for test page layout
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, calc, shadows}
node distance = 7mm and 4mm,
every node/.style = {font=\bfseries\itshape},
chapter/.style = {rectangle, draw, semithick, rounded corners,
text width=44mm, minimum height=11mm, align=center,
fill=white, drop shadow},
ys/.style = {yshift=-7mm}
\draw[thick] (0,0) coordinate (A1)
node[below right] {Preliminaries}
-- + (\textwidth,0)
coordinate (B1);
\node (ch1) [chapter, below=of $(A1)!0.5!(B1)$] {Introduction};
\node (ch2) [chapter, below=of ch1] {Background};
\draw[thick] ([ys] A1 |- ch2.south) coordinate (A2)
node[below right] {Problem states}
-- + (\textwidth,0)
coordinate (B2);
\node (ch3) [chapter, below left=of $(A2)!0.5!(B2)$] {State of the Art};
\node (ch4) [chapter, below right=of $(A2)!0.5!(B2)$] {Building of Theory};
\draw[thick] ([ys] A1 |- ch3.south) coordinate (A3)
node[below right] {Solution}
-- + (\textwidth,0)
coordinate (B3);
\node (ch5) [chapter, below=of $(A3)!0.5!(B3)$] {My New Theory};
\node (ch6) [chapter, below=of ch5] {Validation of the Method};
\draw[thick] ([ys] A1 |- ch6.south) coordinate (A4)
node[below right] {Conclusion}
-- + (\textwidth,0)
coordinate (B4);
\node (ch7) [chapter, below=of $(A4)!0.5!(B4)$] {Discussion and conclusions};
\node (ap1) [chapter, below left=of ch7] {Appendix A};
\node (ap2) [chapter, below =of ch7] {Appendix B};
\node (ap3) [chapter, below right=of ch7] {Appendix C};
\caption{Structure of the thesis}
If you draw all the boxes first you can use current bounding box
to get the left and right borders of the graphics.
TestBox/.style={draw,minimum width=3cm,minimum height=3em,rounded corners=2mm}]
\node[TestBox] (A) {A};
\node[TestBox,below left= of A](B){B};
\node[TestBox,below right= of A](C){C is a bit longer than the other boxes};
\node[TestBox,below=of $(B.south east)!0.5!(C.south west)$](D) {D};
\node[TestBox,below=of D](E) {E};
\coordinate(BBw) at ($(current bounding box.west)+(-5mm,0)$);
\coordinate(BBe) at ($(current bounding box.east)+(5mm,0)$);
\coordinate(Level1) at ($(C.south)!0.5!(D.north)$);
\draw (Level1 -| BBw) -- (Level1-|BBe) node[pos=0,anchor=north west]{Label of line};