Dividing two integers doesn't print as a decimal number in Rust

Just like in C and C++, dividing integers results in another integer. Try this C++ program to see:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    cout << 22 / 7 << endl;            // 3
    cout << 22.0 / 7.0 << endl;        // 3.14286

Similarly in Rust, you need to specify both numbers as floats instead, which is done by putting a decimal anywhere in the number. Try this Rust equivalent of the above program:

fn main() {
    println!("{:.3}", 22 / 7);         // 3
    println!("{:.3}", 22.0 / 7.0);     // 3.143

If you have variables, you can convert them with as to either f32 or f64, depending on your needs:

fn main() {
    let x = 22;
    println!("{:.3}", x / 7);          // 3
    println!("{:.3}", x as f32 / 7.0); // 3.143

When you are working with integer variables and do not have the option to add decimal points you can convert the integer variables into floats using the as keyword:

fn main() {
    let a = 42;
    let b = 23;
    let c = a / b;  // integer division
    let d = a as f64 / b as f64;  // cast both variables to float before division
    println!("integer division: {}\nfloat division: {}", c, d);

This returns the following values:

integer division: 1
float division: 1.826086956521739

