Division of not so little numbers

Haskell, 87 bytes

(a#b)c|s<-show$div(a*10^c)b,l<-length s-c,(h,t)<-splitAt l s=['0'|l<1]++h++['.'|c>0]++t

Usage example: (13#7)27 -> "1.857142857142857142857142857".

23 bytes to handle the c==0 case and using a leading zero instead of things like .5.

How it works: multiply a with 10^c, divide by b, turn into a string, split where the . must be inserted, join both parts with a . in-between and fix the edge cases.

05AB1E, 17 13 11 19 14 bytes

Input in the form b, a, c.
Saved 5 bytes thanks to Grimy.


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Perl 6,  58 57 55  48 bytes

{base Int($^a.FatRat/$^b*10**$^c).FatRat/10**$c: 10,$c}
{base ($^a*10**$^c div$^b).FatRat/10**$c: 10,$c}

What is fairly annoying is that it could be shortened to just {($^a.FatRat/$^b).base(10,$^c)} if it was allowed to round to the nearest value.


# bare block lambda with 3 placeholder parameters 「$^a」, 「$^b」 and 「$^c」

      # create an Int containing all of the digits we care about
      $^a * 10 ** $^c div $^b

    ).FatRat / 10**$c  # turn it into a Rational

  ).base( 10, $c )     # force it to display 「$c」 digits after the decimal point