Django: create HTML input array using a django form

It should be more like e.g.:

# in a model class
for i in range(1, prim+1):
    self.fields['asdf_%s' % i] = forms.CharField(label='Label %i' % i)

But it very depends on what you want to achieve.

It looks like I can do what I need to do by breaking the form into multiple formsets...

Then, I should be able to access each formset individually from the template, wrapping all of them into one

Jacob Kaplan-Moss (co-author of Django) recently posted a great article for handling dynamic forms, which should solve your problem in a preferred way:

He's using the same method that Felix suggests, but it's worth reading the whole article to get a better grasp on the concept.

Using the asdf[] technique is sloppy, because then you have to deal with ordering. It's also not the standard practice.


To handle the situation where you need to detect when you hit these dynamic fields:

{% for input in form.fields %}
    {% ifequal input.label 'asdf' %}
        {{ forloop.counter }}: {{input}}<br />
    {% endifequal %}
{% endfor %}