Django-filter multiple URL parameters

You could create a plural version of your query string and accept a list as the filter argument:,2

class CustomFilterList(django_filters.Filter):
    def filter(self, qs, value):
        if value not in (None, ''):
            values = [v for v in value.split(',')]
            return qs.filter(**{'%s__%s' % (, self.lookup_type): values})
        return qs

class PropertyFilter(django_filters.FilterSet):
    city = django_filters.ModelMultipleChoiceFilter(queryset=City.objects.all(), widget = CheckboxSelectMultiple)
    trade_type = django_filters.ModelMultipleChoiceFilter(queryset=Trade.objects.all(), widget = CheckboxSelectMultiple)
    cities = CustomFilterList(name="city", lookup_type="in")

    class Meta:
        model = Property
        fields = ['cities', 'city', 'trade_type']

Check out this answer for filtering a list of values properly:

Possible to do an `in` `lookup_type` through the django-filter URL parser?

You can get it to work with the same URL you were trying. Follow my example. You have to pass the choices that you want to filter with.

The URL that I'm calling:

    ProductAttributeOptions.objects.filter(group__name='gender').values_list('id', 'option'))

class ProductFilter(django_filters.FilterSet):        
    gender = django_filters.MultipleChoiceFilter(choices=GENDER_CHOICES,

    def filter_gender(self, qs, name, value):
        result = qs.filter(Q(attribute_values__attribute__name='gender',

        return result

class Meta:
    model = Product
    fields = ('gender')

Hope this could help. I took inspiration from the official docs.