Django issue with argon2 hasher in live production

According to the documentation:

It was simple, I just had to run pip install django[argon2] on the server, which is equivalent to python -m pip install argon2-cffi.

For me, it seems the latest version of argon2-cffi (20.1.0) fixed this issue. I was using 19.1.0 previously.

pip uninstall argon2-cffi
pip install argon2-cffi==20.1.0

I had the same problem, but when I used pip install django[argon2] I encountered with the following error:

no matches found: django[argon2]

However, I found out a solution:

python -m pip install argon2_cffi
python -m pip install -U cffi pip setuptools

In Python3:

python3 -m pip install argon2_cffi
python3 -m pip install -U cffi pip setuptools

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