django message when logout

You could use the user_logged_out signal combined with the messages framework:

First, make sure the messages framework is set up (

Then include this code somewhere that will be called (I tend to put it in a module and then import it from a file in an installed app):

from django.contrib.auth.signals import user_logged_out
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django.contrib import messages

def on_user_logged_out(sender, request, **kwargs):
    messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, 'Logged out.')

give a try to:

from django.contrib.auth.views import LogoutView

class YourCustomLogoutView(LogoutView):

    def get_next_page(self):
        next_page = super(YourCustomLogoutView, self).get_next_page()
            self.request, messages.SUCCESS,
            'You successfully log out!'
        return next_page

in urls:

url(r'^logout/$', YourCustomLogoutView.as_view(), {'next_page': settings.LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL}, name='logout'),

Try using sessions. Can be simpler.

In the logout view, set an entry in the session variable, like session['just_logged_out'] = True, and in the home page view, check for the variable.

  just_logged_out = request.session.get('just_logged_out',False)
  just_logged_out = False

In the template, you can use

{% if just_logged_out %}  You are successfully logged out {% endif %}

