Django model naming convention

As far as I know, the idea is that the class name should be singular and should use SentenceCase with no spaces. So you'd have names like:


Then the Django admin tool knows how to pluralise them. Doesn't work so nicely for names like:


which gets pluralised as Categorys, but there we go...

Apart from that, just give it a name that means something to you and succinctly sums up what the class is meant to represent.


In most of programming languages, people prefer give a singular names to the objects/models because these models are also represented by tables in your database system. The minimalism is a good choice everytime to avoid some meaning conflicts in the future.

To exemplify;

Django models are just Python classes, so the Python naming conventions detailed in PEP-8 apply.

For example:

  1. Person
  2. Category
  3. ZipCode

If Django fails to pluralize the class name properly when creating the corresponding table, you can easily override the pluralization by setting a custom verbose_name_plural field in an inner META class. For example:

class Story(models.Model):

    class Meta:
        verbose_name_plural = "stories"