Django pbkdf2_sha256 JS implementation

By using pbkdf2-sha256 (from your own link) I'm able to generate a hash that is identical to the one you have from Django.

var pbkdf2 = require('pbkdf2-sha256');
var validatePassword = function (key, string) {
    var parts = string.split('$');
    var iterations = parts[1];
    var salt = parts[2];
    return pbkdf2(key, new Buffer(salt), iterations, 32).toString('base64') === parts[3];
var djangoPass = 'pbkdf2_sha256$10000$NmzpPCQiTe2R$U8ipSsOy3Xz7FwWDHdH/dTei8Xh4Q7NGtdzrCacSfvo=';
console.log(validatePassword('Simple123', djangoPass)); // Logs: true

The above code should be sufficient to validate passwords stored in Django using Node.

I recently created a project to make this easier. My project is available for node and is called node-django-hashers. The code is below:

A sample usage:

var hashers = require('node-django-hashers');

var h = new hashers.PBKDF2PasswordHasher();
var hash1 = h.encode("password", h.salt());
console.log(h.verify("password", hash1)); // returns true
console.log(h.verify("wrong_password", hash1)); // returns false

This is compatible with django password hashing.