Django pre_save signal: check if instance is created not updated, does kwargs['created'] (still) exist?
Primary key attribute usually assigned by the database when the instance saved first time. So you can use something like if is None
According to the latest Django documentation, pre_save
does NOT send a created
argument. Post_save
however does. I could not find any reference of the signal sending created
since version 1.0.
I am not sure if this is the recommended way but @Radagast's method didnt work for me(not sure if its because I use custom Pk's).
I tried the following(not sure if this is the best way):
@receiver(pre_save, sender=YourModelName, weak=False, )
def presave_payment_model_check(sender, instance=None, created=False, **kwargs):
if instance._state.adding:
# we would need to create the object
print "Creating an object"
#we are updating the object
print "Updating an object"
Reference: Django : What is the role of ModelState?