Django rest framework conditionally required fields

Have a look here in the DRF documentation

Basically, to do object-level validation, you need to override the Serializer's validate(self, data) method, do your validation using the data parameter's value (this is the serializer's state provided as a dict to validate) then raise a ValidationError if anything is wrong.

If you need to raise an error for a specific field, then you can pass a dictionary as the parameter to the ValidationError constructor:

raise ValidationError({'yourfield': ['Your message']})

I am using several mixins for that purpose, which are changing field.required attribute and as result error validation messages are generated automatically by DRF


class ConditionalRequiredPerFieldMixin:
"""Allows to use serializer methods to allow change field is required or not"""

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    for field_name, field in self.fields.items():
        method_name = f'is_{field_name}_required'
        if hasattr(self, method_name):
            field.required = getattr(self, method_name)()

How to use PerFieldMixin

class MySerializer(ConditionalRequiredPerFieldMixin, serializers.ModelSerializer):
    subject_id = serializers.CharField(max_length=128, min_length=3, required=False)

    def is_subject_id_required(self):
        study = self.context['study']
        return not study.is_community_study


class ActionRequiredFieldsMixin:
    """Required fields per DRF action
        'update': ['notes']

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if self.context.get('view'):
            action = self.context['view'].action
            required_fields = (self.PER_ACTION_REQUIRED_FIELDS or {}).get(action)
            if required_fields:
                for field_name in required_fields:
                    self.fields[field_name].required = True

How to use PerActionMixin

see docstrings, for action == update (ie PUT request) - field "notes" will be required)