django-rest-framwork Got AttributeError when attempting to get a value for field

Selected answer doesn't work for me. However following way worked:

product_ratings = ProductRatingSerializer(many=True)

Also remember to put product_ratings in related_name field like this:

 p_id = models.ForeignKey(Product, on_delete=models.CASCADE, to_field='product_id', related_name='product_ratings')

Here is how Meta class looks:

class Meta:
        model = Product
        fields = [

Default reverse lookup name for ForeignKey is <mode>_set or product_ratings_set in your case, so you need to replace product_ratings field in ProductSerializer with product_ratings_set:

class ProductSerializer(ModelSerializer):
    product_ratings_set = ProductRatingSerializer(many=True)
    class Meta:
        model = Product
        fields = [

Also you can add related_name='product_ratings' attribute to model's ForeignKey to change reverse lookup name, in this case you don't need too change serializer:

class Product_ratings(models.Model):
    p_id = models.ForeignKey(Product, on_delete=models.CASCADE, to_field='product_id', related_name='product_ratings')

in my case I had to return just single object from my but I was returning queryset, so changing objects.filter to objects.get fixed the issue for me