Do "algorithms" exist in Functional Programming?

No, I think if you solved a problem functionally and you solved it imperatively, what you have come up with are two separate algorithms. Each is an algorithm. One is a functional algorithm and one is an imperative algorithm. There's many books about algorithms in functional programming languages.

It seems like you are getting caught up in technicalities/semantics here. If you are asked to document an algorithm to solve a problem, whoever asked you wants to know how you are solving the problem. Even if its functional, there will be series of steps to reach the solution (even with all of the lazy evaluation). If you can write the code to reach the solution, then you can write the code in pseudocode, which means you can write the code in terms of an algorithm as far as I'm concerned.

And, since it seems like you are getting very hung up on definitions here, I'll posit a question your way that proves my point. Programming languages, whether functional or imperative, ultimately are run on a machine. Right? Your computer has to be told a step-by-step procedure of low level instructions to run. If this statement holds true, then every high-level computer program can be described in terms of their low level instructions. Therefore, every program, whether functional or imperative, can be described by an algorithm. And if you can't seem to find a way to describe the high-level algorithm, then output the bytecode/assembly and explain your algorithm in terms of these instructions

I think you might be misunderstanding the functional programming paradigm.

Whether you use a functional language (Lisp, ML, Haskell) or an imperative/procedural one (C/Java/Python), you are specifying the operations and their order (sometimes the order might not be specified, but this is a side issue).

The functional paradigm sets certain limits on what you can do (e.g., no side effects), which makes it easier to reason about the code (and, incidentally, easier to write a "Sufficiently Smart Compiler").

Consider, e.g., a functional implementation of factorial:

(defun ! (n)
  (if (zerop n)
      (* n (! (1- n)))))

One can easily see the order of execution: 1 * 2 * 3 * .... * n and the fact that there are n-1 multiplications and subtractions for argument n.

The most important part of the Computer Science is to remember that the language is just the means of talking to computers. CS is about computers no more than Astronomy is about telescopes, and algorithms are to be executed on an abstract (Turing) machine, emulated by the actual box in front of us.

Yes, algorithms still exist in functional languages, although they don't always look the same as imperative ones.

Instead of using an implicit notion of "time" based on state to model steps, functional languages do it with composed data transformations. As a really nice example, you could think of heap sort in two parts: a transformation from a list into a heap and then from a heap into a list.

You can model step-by-step logic quite naturally with recursion, or, better yet, using existing higher-order functions that capture the various computations you can do. Composing these existing pieces is probably what I'd really call the "functional style": you might express your algorithm as an unfold followed by a map followed by a fold.

Laziness makes this even more interesting by blurring the lines between "data structure" and "algorithm". A lazy data structure, like a list, never has to completely exist in memory. This means that you can compose functions that build up large intermediate data structures without actually needing to use all that space or sacrificing asymptotic performance. As a trivial example, consider this definition of factorial (yes, it's a cliche, but I can't come up with anything better :/):

factorial n = product [1..n]

This has two composed parts: first, we generate a list from 1 to n and then we fold it by multiplying (product). But, thanks to laziness, the list never has to exist in memory completely! We evaluate as much of the generating function as we need at each step of product, and the garbage collector reclaims old cells as we're done with them. So even though this looks like it'll need O(n) memory, it actually gets away with O(1). (Well, assuming numbers all take O(1) memory.)

In this case, the "structure" of the algorithm, the sequence of steps, is provided by the list structure. The list here is closer to a for-loop than an actual list!

So in functional programming, we can create an algorithm as a sequence of steps in a few different ways: by direct recursion, by composing transformations (maybe based on common higher-order functions) or by creating and consuming intermediate data structures lazily.