, list) for uneven number of column

rbind.fill is an awesome function that does really well on list of data.frames. But IMHO, for this case, it could be done much faster when the list contains only (named) vectors.

The rbind.fill way


A more straightforward way (and efficient for this scenario at least):

rbind.named.fill <- function(x) {
    nam <- sapply(x, names)
    unam <- unique(unlist(nam))
    len <- sapply(x, length)
    out <- vector("list", length(len))
    for (i in seq_along(len)) {
        out[[i]] <- unname(x[[i]])[match(unam, nam[[i]])]
    setNames(, out), stringsAsFactors=FALSE), unam)

Basically, we get total unique names to form the columns of the final data.frame. Then, we create a list with length = input and just fill the rest of the values with NA. This is probably the "trickiest" part as we've to match the names while filling NA. And then, we set names once finally to the columns (which can be set by reference using setnames from data.table package as well if need be).

Now to some benchmarking:


# generate some huge random data:
set.seed(45) <- function() {
    nam <- sample(LETTERS, sample(5:15))
    val <- sample(letters, length(nam))
    setNames(val, nam)  
ll <- replicate(1e4,


# plyr's rbind.fill version:
rbind.fill.plyr <- function(x) {

rbind.named.fill <- function(x) {
    nam <- sapply(x, names)
    unam <- unique(unlist(nam))
    len <- sapply(x, length)
    out <- vector("list", length(len))
    for (i in seq_along(len)) {
        out[[i]] <- unname(x[[i]])[match(unam, nam[[i]])]
    setNames(, out), stringsAsFactors=FALSE), unam)

Update (added GSee's function as well):

foo <- function (...) 
  dargs <- list(...)
  all.names <- unique(names(unlist(dargs)))
  out <-, lapply(dargs, `[`, all.names))
  colnames(out) <- all.names, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)


microbenchmark(t1 <- rbind.named.fill(ll), 
               t2 <- rbind.fill.plyr(ll), 
               t3 <-, ll), times=10)
identical(t1, t2) # TRUE
identical(t1, t3) # TRUE

Unit: milliseconds
                       expr        min         lq     median         uq        max neval
 t1 <- rbind.named.fill(ll)   243.0754   258.4653   307.2575   359.4332   385.6287    10
  t2 <- rbind.fill.plyr(ll) 16808.3334 17139.3068 17648.1882 17890.9384 18220.2534    10
     t3 <-, ll)   188.5139   204.2514   229.0074   339.6309   359.4995    10

If you want the result to be a matrix...

I recently wrote this function for a co-worker that wanted to rbind vectors into a matrix.

foo <- function (...) 
  dargs <- list(...)
  if (!all(vapply(dargs, is.vector, TRUE))) 
      stop("all inputs must be vectors")
  if (!all(vapply(dargs, function(x) !is.null(names(x)), TRUE))) 
      stop("all input vectors must be named.")
  all.names <- unique(names(unlist(dargs)))
  out <-, lapply(dargs, `[`, all.names))
  colnames(out) <- all.names

R >, x)
     A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   L   O   R   P   T  
[1,] "b" "d" "f" "h" "j" "l" "n" "p" "r" "t" NA  NA  NA  NA  NA 
[2,] NA  NA  "c" NA  NA  "f" NA  NA  "i" NA  "l" "o" "r" NA  NA 
[3,] NA  NA  NA  "d" NA  NA  NA  "h" NA  NA  "l" NA  NA  "p" "t"