Do other countries have a oral exam system similar to French “colles”?

alt text "Kite Like a Man - Kill a tank only with damage from the original Survivors."

It's an achievement you can get only in "The Passing".

On the finale, the survivors from the original Left 4 Dead are helping you with shooting infected. The point of this achievement is to have them kill the tank, and them only shooting him.

Take the commands you know (top, uptime, w, etc.) and use other tools to reduce to just the data you want.

An example for w:

w | head -n1 | cut -d":" -f4

An example for uptime:

uptime | cut -d":" -f4- | sed s/,//g

An example of loads.d:

sudo loads.d | awk '/./ { printf "%.2f %.2f %.2f\n", $7, $8, $9 }'