do you have to sanitize req.paramas code example
Example: how to sanitize request body in node js
export const registrationSchema = {
"email": {
notEmpty: true,
isEmail: {
errorMessage: "Invalid Email"
"password": {
notEmpty: true,
isLength: {
options: [{min: 12}],
errorMessage: "Must be at least 12 characters"
matches: {
options: ["(?=.*[a-zA-Z])(?=.*[0-9]+).*", "g"],
errorMessage: "Password must be alphanumeric."
errorMessage: "Invalid password"
"firstName": {
notEmpty: false,
isLength: {
options: [{max: 200}],
errorMessage: "The first name must be under 200 characters"
matches: {
options: ["^[a-z ,.'-]+$", "i"],
errorMessage: "The first name can only contain letters and the characters (,.'-)"
"lastName": {
notEmpty: false,
isLength: {
options: [{max: 200}],
errorMessage: "The last name must be under 200 characters"
matches: {
options: ["^[a-z ,.'-]+$", "i"],
errorMessage: "The last name can only contain letters and the characters (,.'-)"