docker compose: Error while loading shared libraries: failed to map segment from shared object: Operation not permitted

Got it solved by re-mounting the /tmp to give the volume permission to execute (it was accessible with read-only). So this solved:

sudo mount /tmp -o remount,exec

Configuring a user specific TMPDIR directory solves the problem. The TMPDIR environment variable is POSIX standard, but TMP (and a few others) can be commonly accepted as well.

Other answers address how to configured the global, default temporary directory. Here are two examples for if the system's security policy does not allow /tmp to be executable.

First Example Solution

mkdir $HOME/tmp
export TMPDIR=$HOME/tmp
docker-compose --version

For convenience, after the directory has been created, the "export" statement can be placed in the shell's profile configuration (example: ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc).

Second Example Solution

Configure an alias (example files: ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_alias).

alias docker-compose="TMPDIR=${HOME}/tmp docker-compose"

This is an issue that seems to be a common stumbling point. Some digging shows that it may be related to PyInstaller and not docker-compose specifically.

I had the same problem and both example solution from Kevin works for me, here is the thing that I did:

  • I do what Kevin said and I put export TMPDIR=$HOME/tmp on the ~/.bashrc file