docker: how to show the diffs between 2 images

It is now 2019 and I just found a useful tool which was released in late 2017.

The following content is from container-diff github page:

container-diff diff <img1> <img2> --type=history  [History]
container-diff diff <img1> <img2> --type=file  [File System]
container-diff diff <img1> <img2> --type=size  [Size]
container-diff diff <img1> <img2> --type=rpm  [RPM]
container-diff diff <img1> <img2> --type=pip  [Pip]
container-diff diff <img1> <img2> --type=apt  [Apt]
container-diff diff <img1> <img2> --type=node  [Node]

You can similarly run many analyzers at once:

container-diff diff <img1> <img2> --type=history --type=apt --type=node

This one worked for me:

docker run -it e5cba87ecd29 bash -c 'find /path/to/files -type f | sort  | xargs -I{} sha512sum {}' > /tmp/dockerfiles.e5cba87ecd29.txt
docker run -it b1d19fe1a941 bash -c 'find /path/to/files -type f | sort  | xargs -I{} sha512sum {}' > /tmp/dockerfiles.b1d19fe1a941.txt
meld /tmp/dockerfiles*

Where e5cba87ecd29 and b1d19fe1a941 are images I am interested in and /path/to/files is a directory which could be "/". It lists all files, sorts it and add hash to it just in case. And meld highlights all the differences.

I suppose you could send both images' file systems to tarballs via docker export CONTAINER_ID or docker save IMAGE_ID (updated based on comments)

Then use whatever tool you like to diff the file systems - Git, Rdiff, etc.

Have a look at :

This tool can diff local or remote docker images and can do so without requiring docker to be installed. It has file as well as package level "differs" (for example: apt, npm, and pip) so that you can more easily see the differences in packages that have changed between two docker images.

Disclaimer: I am a contributor to this project

