docker it command code example

Example 1: docker interactive shell

docker exec -it [containerid/name] [shell]

docker exec -it fa80b69 bash
#if its an apline container use "sh" instead of "bash"

Example 2: docker run name

docker run --name  -dp : 

Example 3: docker help

docker ps # current containers
docker run # create and start the container
docker create # create container
dokcer exec # to run commnads in container for once
docker volume # create a docker volume
docker network # create a docker network
docker rm # remove container 
docker images # list the images
docker rmi # remove image
docker build # build a new image from dockerfile
docker push # push your image to docker repo
docker pull # download an image from docker repo
docker commit # create an image from container

Example 4: docker run all port mapping

docker run --network host
When running using --network host there is no need to map the ports.
All the docker container ports will be available since the network host mode 
makes the container use the host's network stack.


Misc Example