docker network create code example

Example 1: docker create network

// docker network create -d  
docker network create -d bridge my-bridge-network

Example 2: how to create a host driver in docker

$ docker network create -d bridge my-bridge-network

Example 3: docker create

docker create [options] IMAGE
  -a, --attach               # attach stdout/err
  -i, --interactive          # attach stdin (interactive)
  -t, --tty                  # pseudo-tty
      --name NAME            # name your image
  -p, --publish 5000:5000    # port map
      --expose 5432          # expose a port to linked containers
  -P, --publish-all          # publish all ports
      --link container:alias # linking
  -v, --volume `pwd`:/app    # mount (absolute paths needed)
  -e, --env NAME=hello       # env vars

Example 4: docker network create

$ docker run -itd --network=mynet busybox

Example 5: create docker swarm

docker swarm init


Misc Example