Docker - scaling nginx and php-fpm seperately

One solution is to add additional php-fpm instances to your docker-compose file and then use an nginx upstream as mentioned in the other answers to load-balance between them. This is done in this example docker-compose repo:

upstream php {
    #If there's no directive here, then use round_robin.
    server dockernginxphpfpm_php1_1:9000;
    server dockernginxphpfpm_php2_1:9000;
    server dockernginxphpfpm_php3_1:9000;

This isn't really ideal because it will require changing the nginx config and docker-compose.yml when you want to scale up or down.

Note that the 9000 port is internal to the container and not your actual host, so it doesn't matter that you have multiple php-fpm containers on port 9000.

Docker acquired Tutum this fall. They have a solution that combines a HAProxy container with their api to automatically adjust the load-balancer config to the running containers it is load-balancing. That is a nice solution. Then nginx points to the hostname assigned to the load-balancer. Perhaps Docker will further integrate this type of solution into their tools following the Tutum acquisition. There is an article about it here:

Tutum is currently a paid service. Rancher is an open-source project that provides a similar load-balancing feature. They also have a "rancher-compose.yml" which can define the load-balancing and scaling of the services setup in the docker-compose.yml.

UPDATE 2017/03/06: I've used a project called interlock that works with Docker to automatically update the nginx config and restart it. Also see @iwaseatenbyagrue's answer which has additional approaches.