Doctrine2: Best way to handle many-to-many with extra columns in reference table

From $album->getTrackList() you will alwas get "AlbumTrackReference" entities back, so what about adding methods from the Track and proxy?

class AlbumTrackReference
    public function getTitle()
        return $this->getTrack()->getTitle();

    public function getDuration()
        return $this->getTrack()->getDuration();

This way your loop simplifies considerably, aswell as all other code related to looping the tracks of an album, since all methods are just proxied inside AlbumTrakcReference:

foreach ($album->getTracklist() as $track) {
    echo sprintf("\t#%d - %-20s (%s) %s\n", 
        $track->isPromoted() ? ' - PROMOTED!' : ''

Btw You should rename the AlbumTrackReference (for example "AlbumTrack"). It is clearly not only a reference, but contains additional logic. Since there are probably also Tracks that are not connected to an album but just available through a promo-cd or something this allows for a cleaner separation also.

Nothing beats a nice example

For people looking for a clean coding example of an one-to-many/many-to-one associations between the 3 participating classes to store extra attributes in the relation check this site out:

nice example of one-to-many/many-to-one associations between the 3 participating classes

Think about your primary keys

Also think about your primary key. You can often use composite keys for relationships like this. Doctrine natively supports this. You can make your referenced entities into ids. Check the documentation on composite keys here

I think I would go with @beberlei's suggestion of using proxy methods. What you can do to make this process simpler is to define two interfaces:

interface AlbumInterface {
    public function getAlbumTitle();
    public function getTracklist();

interface TrackInterface {
    public function getTrackTitle();
    public function getTrackDuration();

Then, both your Album and your Track can implement them, while the AlbumTrackReference can still implement both, as following:

class Album implements AlbumInterface {
    // implementation

class Track implements TrackInterface {
    // implementation

/** @Entity whatever */
class AlbumTrackReference implements AlbumInterface, TrackInterface
    public function getTrackTitle()
        return $this->track->getTrackTitle();

    public function getTrackDuration()
        return $this->track->getTrackDuration();

    public function getAlbumTitle()
        return $this->album->getAlbumTitle();

    public function getTrackList()
        return $this->album->getTrackList();

This way, by removing your logic that is directly referencing a Track or an Album, and just replacing it so that it uses a TrackInterface or AlbumInterface, you get to use your AlbumTrackReference in any possible case. What you will need is to differentiate the methods between the interfaces a bit.

This won't differentiate the DQL nor the Repository logic, but your services will just ignore the fact that you're passing an Album or an AlbumTrackReference, or a Track or an AlbumTrackReference because you've hidden everything behind an interface :)

Hope this helps!

I've opened a similar question in the Doctrine user mailing list and got a really simple answer;

consider the many to many relation as an entity itself, and then you realize you have 3 objects, linked between them with a one-to-many and many-to-one relation.

Once a relation has data, it's no more a relation !